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Did you 'Ping' or 'Bounce' back after birth?

Can we just normalise post birth bodies please!

· Post-Baby,postpartum,mum exercise,normalise body,postbaby

Can we normalise looking like you’ve had a baby after giving birth?!

I don’t know about you but I think the words ‘ping’ ‘bounce’ or ‘snap’ should be banned from being used when talking about a postnatal body.

The media has made women feel like after having a baby if you don’t ‘ping’ or ‘snap’ back into shape then you are less than worthy.

Some are blessed and will quickly return to looking like they did pre- baby... but that is not us all!

Your body has taken 9 months to create this wonderful little person.

9 months of growing a human being.

We should be celebrating this body!

I had my baby around the same time as pop stars Perrie and Leighanne from Little Mix.

Whilst up doing night feeds I would be scrolling my social media and seeing photos of these ladies back in their bikini’s looking teeny tiny with super flat tummies!

And my goodness did that send me down a deep dark spiral of self loathe.

But why do our brains automatically make us compare our body to a body of someone else?

These ladies probably have chefs, nannies and personal trainers. Seeing these images made me be so negative to my postnatal body.

But imagine being a woman in the limelight after having a baby. The pressure to look like you never carried a child, to be photographed in your bikini?! All for that headline ‘snapped back In to shape’ or heaven forbid ‘with a mum tum’.

Now think…

When you ask yourself what makes a good mum? Is a flat toned tummy anywhere on that list?

I bet not!

Here are some of my tips on how to feel better in your postpartum body.

Social media detox, if it brings negative thoughts block/delete

Get rid of the scales

Treat yourself to some non maternity clothes you can wear right now, instead of feeling bad about not fitting in to pre baby clothes which is totally normal. Get yourself a few key pieces that make you feel comfortable and confident right now

Talk to yourself the way you would talk to your bestie

If you are struggling and these tips do not help, please seek help with your local GP, health visitor, womens health worker or contact your local BabyBeats teacher and we will be happy to point you in the direction of some great local services.


Be kind to yourself Mama.

Speak to yourself like you would your best friend or your daughter.

Say In your mind ‘I am proud of my body’

Say to yourself ‘I love my body’



Blog by Erin Wattam

Mum to Reggie, BabyBeats and Mindful Movers Teacher Wakefield West